Charlie needs your help

Charlie was "discovered" by a caring couple who noticed that he was tied to a rear door of a house they were visiting. After a few conversations with his distracted owners, they discovered to their combined horror this was Charlie's life, tied to that rear door. The byproduct of young children and no interest or time left for little Charlie. So, there he stayed 24 hrs a day. Heat, Cold, or Rain, just waiting for some attention. Charlie, it seems was just another example of a dog that was no longer the cute puppy and no longer a wanted pet.


"Would you give us Charlie", the couple asked? "Of course," said the owners. With that short conversation Charlie's life changed forever. Off to a new home, a vet visit, and a trip to a groomer for a warm bath, a clip, and a blow dry, things that Charlie had not felt in years. The vet visit for shots and a health checkup, discovered that Charlie needed special care as he had a few medical concerns that were scary and would require expensive diagnostics to better understand what the heck was going on. So, Charlie life savers called Westie Rescue to see if we could offer a lifeline. The answer was of course! That is what Westie Rescue is all about, helping Westies who need a second chance at a great new life. 

Fast forward through phone calls to co-ordinate a road trip up and down the interstate with Uncle Stephen that ends with Charlie falling into the arms of Wendy Opel, a wonderful 30+ year volunteer, and the great Doctors at Greater Annapolis Vet Hospital (GAVH). As happens with all Westies who come into the program, Charlie received a health exam, shots updated, blood screening test to see what's beneath the surface of fur, and good medical expert analysis. This Vet Hospital sees more Westies each week than most vets see in their life time. Westie Rescue has run through over 1,000 Westies through their caring hand and hearts in the past 26 years.

The first results required more tests, an X-ray for possible internal damage, something that looked like broken ribs was explored, and grave concerns about a large and growing sign of an impact on his side. It was decided to invest in Charlie's life and spend what it takes to see him through the processes of this crisis.

His next step was to be a few days of rest in foster care, before any exploratory surgery would be performed. One with a low-tension environment, good food and gentle hands to care for him. All found in a wonderful little farm run by Diane, a volunteer with Charlie got his own warm bed, food, water nearby, and a grass covered yard to wonder around. It was all short lived however, as Charlie quickly showed signs of being overwhelmed by pain. He was quickly transported back into the vet hospital for a hurried surgery on a large mass that was growing on his side.

When the mass was opened, a flood of puss and blood poured out exposing something foreign in his side. As the Vet pulled at the object, out came a long bamboo BBQ skewer that had been thrust into his ribs, through internal organs, and then broken off, leaving five inches of the skewer inside him just below the skin. As his organs that had been punctured requiring specialized surgical skills, Charlie was transported quickly to the nearby Emergency Vet in Annapolis, MD, where he underwent immediate additional surgery to close openings and have antibiotics injected into his little body. 12 hrs later the word came back that he had made in through surgery and was recovering wonderfully. The next morning, he was ready to step out of intensive care and back into the waiting arms at the Vet Hospital. There they would keep a 24/7 eye on him, change his dressings and clean the impact area daily. Thanks Drs Daher & Woodburn and the wonderful staff at GAVH for saving Charlie!

Day One: Discovery
After Surgery
This is the item removed from Charlie. The material you see attached is skin, infection, and puss.

Over the next few days, Charlie will be in the observation area at the hospital to ensure his little body is fighting any infections, reducing the swelling, and begins to close the tear in his side. Each day after a walk, the Doctors refresh the bandages and clean the impact area with saline solutions. So, his recovery is in wonderful and caring hands that offer up a few treats during the daily retinue. In the image below you can see that Charlie is doing better each day. 

Aug 21 Update: This is Day 5 after surgery
Impact Aug 23 Day 7 Note: the closing of the hole in poor little Charlie…

Meanwhile, our job at Westie Rescue is to raise enough donations to pay for all his medical care and when he is ready, to find a nice new home for Charlie where he can regain his strength and happy tail wags once again.

Costs on Medical Care to date:

  • Emergency Vet surgery: $3,800
  • Vet Bill: $3,600 so far and rising
  • Vet Bill: $1,400 Neutering & Teeth Cleaning w/extractions (9/15/2020)
  • Costs of Love: $0
  • Charlie happy, well and ready for his new home: Priceless

Want to help Charlie pay off his medical bills so Westie Rescue can help the next Westie coming in?

Please donate today!

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Photo of the week Aug 31
Photo of the week Aug 1


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