The West Highland White Terrier, commonly known as a Westie, is a breed of dog from Scotland which was originally developed to hunt small rodents on farms. It is a medium-sized terrier with a distinctive white harsh coat and a softer white undercoat. The double coat of fur fills out the dog's face, giving it a rounded appearance.
Alert and active, Westies exhibit traits of a plucky and self-reliant ratting terrier. They require no pampering, they will chase after anything that moves, and their independence can make training a challenge. But, thanks to their faithfulness and keen intelligence, Westies will train nicely with time and patience.
Westies by nature refuse to be ignored and will tell you they want something. It is up to owners to discover what "something" is...Food? Outside? Walktime? Playtime? A good tug with a toy? Mailman coming down the street? Bedtime? And on goes the list.
Most Westies are great road trip companions who welcome a trip to the store or a ride into the country for a trail walk. Early socialization allows a Westie to build on adventure memories and gain self confidence. This brings out what is commonly referrred to a "Westietude". A manner of walk that shows off an over exaggerated image of self-importance and presence. Westies + Attitude = Westietude! See it, say hello and if you see a rodent, chase it!
Temperament: Gay, Friendly, Alert, Active, Hardy, Independent, Courageous
Life expectancy: 12 – 16 years
Weight: Female: 15–20 lbs, Male: 15–22 lbs (7–10 kg)
Hypoallergenic: Yes
Color: White
Height: Female: 9–11 inches (23–28 cm), Male: 10–12 inches (25–30 cm)
Coat: Double
Then there are the exceptions....
"Where the heck are the dog treats?"
Fergus - Age 16, Weighing in at 28# (junkyard version)
Most common comment: "Wow, he is really big for a Westie!"
Fergus says: "Being over-sized means there is more for you to hold and love!"
Fergus celebrates National French Fries Day at McDonalds:
Size differences
Fergus and a 4 month old rescue. A Dumb and Dumber sidewalk adventure.
Did you know Westies can hunt and retrieve large animals like a Moose?