Westies (Who and What are they?)

These short-legged terriers of Scotland are now one of the most recognized of Scottish dogs. All terriers undoubtedly descend from the same roots. Westies are valued as intrepid hunters of small game. They will keep you and your home safe from Squirrels, Chipmunks, and the UPS man.  West Highland White Terrier Originally, their coat colors ran...

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Is a Rescued Westie Right for You?

Adopt don't shop! We hear that phrase all the time, but is adopting the right move for you and your family? And what's different about adopting a Westie versus buying one? This article was contributed by Karen Errichetti of North Atlantic Westie Rescue, Inc. You may contact Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by visiting nawestierescue.org. The West Hig...

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