Westie Rescue MidAtlantic Region - Westies will be marching in the Ballyshaners St. Patrick's Parade through the streets of Alexandria, VA on March 1, 2025. All Westies are here by instructed to inform their owners to get some greenery outfits: collars, dresses, jackets, and even some fancy duds and be ready to assemble in old town Alexandria at a new location as this will be the first time Westies will be in the parade.

Westies will assemble their owners at the Staging Area at 11 am. We will meet up there!
Division 2 – Staging on St. Asaph St. between Queen St. and Cameron St. 

Normal parade rules apply: No items to be tossed to the crowds, so pick up after your dog. Also, no biting or fighting with the children along the parade route allowed.

Wagons for geezers allowed. No Flexi Leads

Parade Formation: The 2025 Parade route, extends eastward along King Street, from St. Asaph Street, left onto Lee St., left onto Cameron Street, and ending at the intersection of Cameron and Pitt streets.

Parade Info: http://www.ballyshaners.org 

First 100 Westies will receive a St Patrick's Day Parade Bandana!! 

Westies have to look great for the crowds and the press....

Cricket - says:  Tail wags!!